How we help
People planning for retirement

There comes a time when you start to think about how life will be after you’ve stopped working. Quite often, hitting ‘the big 5-0’ makes you stop and think about your life so far and what you want to do next.
Sometimes, simply receiving a pension statement is enough to make you wonder if your pension ‘pot’ will be enough for the retirement you want to have.
Sometimes it’s the prompt to put together that ‘bucket list’ of all the things you want to do before your health (or wealth) stops you from doing them.
If you’re at this stage, we can give you choices. The choice of how you can retire, when you can retire, and the life you can have with the wealth you have.
What we’ll do
- Firstly, we’ll spend plenty of time getting to know you, your family and what you want to achieve, both now and in the future.
- Then we’ll put together a cashflow plan, looking at your personal income and expenditure and considering what life events will affect your income.
- From this, we’ll develop a financial plan which is completely focused on your life story and how you want it to unfold.
- If you’re happy with our recommendations, we’ll implement your plan. We’ll set up all of the financial products you’ll need to achieve your life goals; these may include pensions, trusts, ISAs and other types of investments.
- We’ll continue to work with you, monitoring your financial plan and ensuring that you stay on track. Of course, life happens, so where necessary, we’ll adapt your plan to make sure that it continues to work for you.
“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.”
Henry David Thoreau

Fancy a chat?
We’d love to hear your story and find out what you want the next chapter to be.